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Best Payday Lenders at Sterling Store

Nowadays unexpected expenses can really become a problem for people who fail to have savings. As nobody is insured from the life’s ups and downs, most of us often face financial complications. In such cases getting a cash loans can become an ideal solution to your monetary troubles. Applying through our site you are guaranteed to be matched with reliable lenders not brokers providing payday loans online, avoid any hassle and get the necessary amount directly to your account within one day.

We realize very well that not all money solutions can be postponed. Our company cooperates with a wide network that offers payday loans direct lenders. They review your applications real time and are ready to provide the required financial assistance immediately. We believe this will make our clients more confident and will help to reduce stress caused by the unexpected troubles. Let SterlingStore deal with your urgent financial necessities! By the way, you can also compare emergency payday loans online.

Payday Loans UK Direct Lenders

Dealing with papers and documents is often troublesome for many of us, that’s why SterlingStore provides paperless solution in matching the clients with new online payday lenders. The customers of our company get short term loans, which do not demand any efforts on their part, leaving positive emotions from cooperating with us. Enjoy the fast and hassle free process totally online and get the needed extra cash to overcome your personal financial crunch.

For getting the payday loan online you should only comply with some simple requirements:
  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Have UK citizenship
  • Have regular income or stable job
  • Have valid bank account.
UK Credit Brokers
1. Quid Expert
Loan Amount Loan Term Credit Score
£100 to £5,000 1 month to 36 months Any
Example: If you borrow £100 for a month the total amount of repayment will be £124. In such a way the charged interest is only £24. In this company, the annual interest is fixed (292%).
2. UK Payday Loan
Loan Amount Loan Term Credit Score
£100 to £5,000 1 month to 36 months Any
Example: Borrowing £500 for the minimum length (30 days) you should pay £620 back. So, the interest will be £120 for each £500. The annual interest rate is 292% and it is fixed, but APR is variable (from 49.9% to 1333%).
3. Easy Pound
Loan Amount Loan Term Credit Score
£100 to £5,000 1 month to 12 months Any
Example: If you need to get £200 from a direct lender, you should be ready to return £248 (you will pay £48 more as an interest). You can calculate the total amount repayable for any sum because the annual interest is fixed (292%). Just take into consider the APR which is variable.

Just fill in and submit the application form provided on our site and it will be reviewed real time by the lenders cooperating with our company.

Get Payday Loan from Direct Lenders

In contrast to an ordinary bank, you have nothing to worry about, applying for a pay day loan from our company. The direct lenders from our network do not check your credit report, that’s why you are sure to get financial support even having less than perfect credit history.

The repayment of the loan taken is also easy and hassle-free. The amount you borrowed and the presupposed fees are deducted from your bank account upon your next pay period.

Apply Now!

Enjoy the faxless borrowing process from only direct payday lenders with SterlingStore and be sure, all the information you provide on our site is absolutely secured. Our company assures that your personal and financial details will be kept absolutely confidential. We use specific measures to guarantee the privacy of your data submitted in the application.

We are glad to provide consultancy to our clients regarding bad credit loans. Our company tries to make its service the most advantageous in the market. Do not waste your precious time on dealing with papers, entrust the solution to the team of professionals from SterlingStore. We will provide a solution to you, while you can simply enjoy the home comfort.

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